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1、个别专业词汇翻译不准确:Print应该理解为印刷品而不是印刷,因为印刷是一种技术,而印刷品是与广播和新媒体对等的传播媒介。Communication theory应该是传播理论。Cinema and film应该为戏剧和电影。 2、Concerns不是影响而是考虑(的方面)。As well as是“以及”的意思,而不是“例如”。
1、个别专业术语翻译有待商榷,比如:Power影响力,结合上下文的语义以及同级词汇的含义,可以将Power理解为权力;同理,Structures of Power可以理解为权力结构;Intervene译成阻止不准确,应该是干预。 2、Generally postmodern没有译出,在上下文中可理解为通常从后现代主义的方面。 3、整句翻译的语序有误:The journal Cultural Studies (Routledge) "aims to intervene in the processes by which the existing techniques, institutions and structures of power are reproduced, resisted and transformed." 原文中,并不是该期刊会对其施加影响,而是该期刊的目的是干预进程。
It took me exactly another 5 months to translate it back to English properly by borrowing the idea from "The fire was ignited by glitch (sparks)". Ignite : to set something on fire : to cause something to burn : to give life or energy to (someone or something) (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Source of CHEARS comes from Chapter 19: Representations and Strategies for Algorithmic Composition (Page 862 to 865).
2004甲申【猴年】 2016丙申【猴年】 甲申丙申猴年十二载艰辛 音乐与科技共创美好明天 有联暂无批? --- 上联:幻听跨界创新声音中国 下联:多元语言交互虚拟世界 橫批(也作橫披):时间空间
Some terms, such as this one, are beyond the reach of musicians, even a little bit stretching for some musicologists, but they might have become the very interesting topics to someone who dedicatedly works on the translation, especially for the field of music. Most of the main conservatories in China establish a specific department for training the professional translators with various musical background. However, a very few of those translators barely have enough knowledge of technology. Anyway, the pathway will be built through the practices at here.
The elaborate content of Critical Theory (English) is available online at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.