时值/Shi2 Zhi2
EARS: False
CMT: False
EARS2 Encyclopedia: True
Length in time. In our case for a sound, or a group of sounds
Some sounds are so short that we cannot hear them as individual sounds. Equally, some sounds are so long that they began before we arrived and will continue after we leave.
How Long is a Sound?
Sounds can be really long, very short or anything in between. Sometimes sounds are so long that they seem to be continuous; they start before we arrive and end after we leave. And sometimes sounds are so short that they begin to blur into one another, so that we can't hear them as individual sounds any more.
Length is one of the main parameters of traditional music and is really useful for allowing us to describe and work with sounds.
Composition Tip
When creating a work it is often a good idea to use a mixture of long and short sounds.
This will add to the diversity in your piece and give you a rich texture.
Note Length and Traditional Musical Notation
Time and duration is notated horizontally in traditional musical scores, with different icons and shapes to indicate different note durations. This allows us to see individual note durations and groups of notes representing rhythmical patterns.
However, some sounds possess their own internal rhythmic patterns and cannot easily be described by using traditional notation.
When working with sounds we can't rely on a visual diagram of rhythms. We must rely on our ears and an ability to listen out for sounds as they begin, stop and interact with other sounds.
Connections between Individual sounds
Even though sounds can be described individually, they often work together in groups or patterns (sometimes called gestures, textures or rhythms).
Smooth or Detached?
When these groupings happen the sounds can relate to one another in either a smooth or detached way.
Duration of Textures / Gestures
Sometimes it is more sensible for us to think about the duration of the texture/gesture than it is to think about the individual sound events on their own.
Granular Clouds are collections of very small sounds (in exactly the same way that clouds in the sky are collections of water droplets). They are highly textural but can also have their own gestural direction.
See also: Granular Synthesis.
Quiz – "How would you describe the following sounds in terms of duration? If they are long sounds do they contain smooth or detached rhythmical components?"
Constant Duration or Changing
Some sounds will be contained and constant, yet many sounds may change over time. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if a sound is constant or and changing.
Try to group sounds into duration categories. There may be only three: short, medium or long; or perhaps use even more duration categories, such as: very short, short, and so one. Too many such categories will add complexity to your investigation. So I would suggest using fewer choices.
State whether the sources tend to produce a single sound or groups of them. In the case of groups, it is worthwhile to attempt to describe or notate patterns that evolve from that source and discover whether these patterns are static or dynamic.
•Do these groups of sounds suggest a certain tempo?
•In some cases the end of one sound and the beginning of the next sound might not be entirely clear. How can you describe such sonic movement?
•an entire environment if you dare.
It is much easier if you can record the environment and listen to it again and again. You may want to combine this type of transcription with pitch (and soon, dynamics as well). The notation you choose is open to you.
Perhaps a notation similar to traditional five-line notation is useful for some sounds; imaginative forms of graphic notation may better represent others.
See: Visual Representation AND Graphic Score
有些声音会一成不变,然而有很多声音却是随着时间千变万化 。它们声无常态,有的时候让我们很难辨别。
直接考虑一个均匀的粒子云的时值比考虑构成粒子云的许多独立且细微的声音要有效得多。 这是因为所有不同的声音一起作用会形成一个更大的姿态。
同见:粒子合成 Granular Synthesis.
见:“可视表现法”和“图标标记” 可视表现法和 图标标记
Some sounds are so short that we cannot hear them as individual sounds. Equally, some sounds are so long that they began before we arrived and will continue after we leave.
How Long is a Sound?
Sounds can be really long, very short or anything in between.
Sometimes sounds are so long that they seem to be continuous; they start before we arrive and end after we leave.
And sometimes sounds are so short that they begin to blur into one another, so that we can’t hear them as individual sounds any more.
Shrinking Beeps
The beeps get shorter and shorter, until they become so short that we can't tell them apart and they merge into a continuous sound
Length is one of the main parameters of traditional music and is really useful for allowing us to describe and work with sounds.
Composition Tip
When creating a work it is often a good idea to use a mixture of long and short sounds.
This will add to the diversity in your piece and give you a rich texture.
Note Length and Traditional Musical Notation
Time and duration is notated horizontally in traditional musical scores, with different icons and shapes to indicate different note durations. This allows us to see individual note durations and groups of notes representing rhythmical patterns.
However, some sounds possess their own internal rhythmic patterns and cannot easily be described by using traditional notation.
Difficult to describe
It would be difficult to notate the different durations of every sound within this short clip.
When working with sounds we can’t rely on a visual diagram of rhythms. We must rely on our ears and an ability to listen out for sounds as they begin, stop and interact with other sounds.
Constant or Changing Duration?
Some sounds will be contained and constant, yet many sounds may change over time. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if a sound is constant or changing.
Glass Ding - Speed Up
This looped sound gets faster and faster and the sounds within it get shorter and shorter
Changing Durations
The sound durations in this clip are constantly changing.
Constant Duration
This looped sound is constant, the sound durations do not change.
Constant or Changing?
Sometimes it can be difficult to identify if sound durations are constant or changing. This file changes in texture but the looping rhythm remains the same. If changes happen very slowly it can be difficult to spot them.
Connections between Individual Sounds
Even though sounds can be described individually, they often work together in groups or patterns (sometimes called gestures, textures or rhythms).
Smooth or Detached?
When these groupings happen the sounds can relate to one another in either a smooth or detached way.
If the sounds flow into one another comfortably we can describe them as smooth.
If the sounds are jittery or awkward and dont flow well, we can describe them as detatched.
Duration of Textures / Gestures
Sometimes it is more sensible for us to think about the duration of the texture/gesture than it is to think about the individual sound events on their own.
Granular Cloud
It is more useful for us to think about the duration of this smooth granular cloud than to think about the many individual small sounds that make it up. This is because the individual sounds all work together to create a larger texture.
Granular Clouds are collections of very small sounds (in exactly the same way that clouds in the sky are collections of water droplets). They are highly textural but can also have their own gestural direction.
See also: Granular Synthesis.
Listen to some sounds and try to group them into duration categories (short, medium, long etc.).
Are there any patterns?
Do these patterns change or are they steady?
Can you always hear the end of one sound and the beginning of the next? How can you tell the length of the sounds if you don’t know where they begin?
Do the durations change?
It is much easier if you can record the sounds and are able to listen to them again and again.
Perhaps a notation similar to traditional five-line notation is useful for some sounds; imaginative forms of graphic notation may better represent others.
See: Visual Representation AND Graphic Score
Length in time. In our case for a sound, or a group of sounds.
Learn More
Explore duration in “The Sounds of Sound Based Music” – Duration.
参看其它/See Also
术语翻译/Terms Translator
术语校对/Terms Proofreader
术语顾问/Consultant to terminology
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