频谱图/Pin2 Pu3 Tu2
EARS: True
CMT: True
EARS2 Encyclopedia: True
A sonogram, sonograph, or spectrogram is a well-known spectrum display technique in speech research, having been used for decades to analyse utterances. A sonogram shows an overview of the spectrum of several seconds of sound. This enables the viewer to see general features such as the onset of notes or phonemes, formant peaks and major transitions. The sonogram representation has also been employed as an interface for spectrum editing. A sonogram represents a sound as a two-dimensional display of time versus "frequency+amplitude". The vertical depicts frequency (higher frequencies are higher up in the diagram) and shades of gray indicate the amplitude, with dark shades indicating greater intensity. (Source - Curtis Roads (1996). The Computer Music Tutorial. Boston: MIT.)
A way of visualising sounds that provides information about the frequencies that make up the sound.
The horizontal axis of the spectrogram displays Time (the further to the right the further along in time you are).
While the vertical axis displays the relative Frequency (the higher the image appears on the spectrogram then the higher in pitch it is).
The stronger the colour then the louder the sound.
Creating your own Spectrograms
There are many free spectrogram programmes available. One good example is the programme Raven made by researchers at Cornell University.
参看其它/See Also
术语翻译/Terms Translator
术语校对/Terms Proofreader
术语顾问/Consultant to terminology
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