2015 EARS2 中国行:伍分之肆
2015 EARS2 China Tour 4of5
Professor Leigh Landy, director of the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University (Leicester, UK) lecturing at the China Conservatory of Music
On the 1st June, 2015, Prof. Leigh Landy, the Director of the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University visited the China Conservatory and had a metting with Prof. ZHAO Tailimu, the President of the China Conservatory of Music and a number of professors of the Music Technology Department. They discussed issues about extensive academic exchange between the two institutions.
Prior to the meeting, Prof. Landy gave a lecture at the Music Technology Department lab at the CCM. His lecture was divided into 3 sections. The first was music technology in the UK in which he listed a number of research fields and techniques in music technology and discussed a CCM subject, Soundscape as an example. The second section focused on the Music, Technology and Innovation (MTI) Research Centre. He focused on the history and infrasturcture of the MTI, as well as its aim of researching innovative forms of music using technology . Some key projects and initiatves of the MTI were also introduced in this section, including EARS, EARS2, EAnalysis, Organised Sound, etc. In the third section, Prof. Landy talked about some of his achievements as a researcher and a composer. Then he performed one of his works. At the end of the lecture, he encouraged Chinese students to apply to the MTI for further study and do research in the field of Music Technology.
In the afternoon, Prof. Landy exchanged ideas with Professors and students of the Music Technology Department at the CCM and demonstrated EARS 2 and Compose With Sounds. During the symposium, a student asked “is it possible to study Music Technology without a sufficient scientific background such as maths, physics and computer programming?” Prof. Landy answered that extensive science knowledge is not necessary for a Music Technology major although it can help you to do research. Foremost, you can find what you are really interested in and then grasp relevant knowledge and basic principles of your research topic. So you don’t have to worry about this too much as long as you are aware of what can serve you in these science subjects.
Start Time: Monday, June 1, 2015/10:00 AM
End Time: Monday, June 1, 2015/5:00 PM
城市/City: 北京/Beijing
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