刘红柱/Liu Hongzhu
曾组织和参与《牛津歌剧辞典》的翻译工作。为英文学术刊物 Music in China 翻译论文《New Music in China》,并参加了由商务印书馆国际出版公司出版的《企鹅激光唱片指南》的主要翻译工作(1998年出版)。为全国国民音乐教育研讨会翻译主题论文《二十一世纪音乐教育使命的扩展》,并为中央电视台翻译《英国皇家爱乐乐团》等电视译制片。经常为来校讲学的包括斯特恩、小泽征尔等在内的多位世界著名音乐学家、作曲家、指挥家、演奏家的大师班课担任口译工作。
He is the assistant director of Dean's Office and professor of Translation for Musical Literature in Central Conservatory of Music.
He organized and attended the translation of Oxford Opera Dictionary, and also translated treatises New Music in China into Chinese for the English academic magazine under the same name. He did the more translation for The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs. His translation also included the treatise for China National Music Education Meeting and some translated TV programs such as Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Britain for CCTV. He often worked as an oral interpreter in many master classes, including Isaac Stern, Seiji Ozawa and other famous musicians.
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