Constellations – For guzheng and electronic sounds (2012)
作品介绍/Program Notes:
《星座》是2012年为古筝和电子音乐创作的作品,作品长度约10分钟。题献给Naoko kikuchi。在我创作了尺八和日本筝以及中国的琵琶与古筝等作品之后,《星座》成为我创作的关于亚洲器乐系列作品的第五部。
Constellation is the fifth piece for I wrote for Asian instruments, after having written for shakuhachi and koto, and, in China, for pipa and guqin.
In this piece, the electronic parts are transformed koto sounds. They are around the audience, and are composed like a painter would paint clouds in the sky. Beyond the cloulds are the outer space and the galaxies, constellations of worlds unseen. The instrument represents the human activity, sometimes harmonious, sometimes chaotic, sometimes violent, sometimes sweet and calm. At the end, the sounds of the electronic part are transformed into voice-like textures, singing but unseen, as if the instrument itself was singing.
The poetic of the piece is based on the meeting of an actual performer, on stage, playing a delicate and lyrical instrument, and the electroacoustic sounds around her. The sounds are like a decor, a background. It creates a scenography upon which the instrument is mostly on the foreground until, in the last section, the guzheng shifts behind the artificial vocal sounds.
技术支持/Technique Notes:
艺术家/Artists (演奏家/Performer)
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