When 聆 to 领域(野外) 录音 人 soon 识别 that animals communicated to each other using different 音高 范围(排列)

自然 频率 Selection
探索 the 声景观(声景) above which has been split into separate 频率 频带 Roll your 鼠标 over each animal to 听 their 声

This is a 自然 声景观(声景) within which each of the different creatures can be 已有 calling in a different 离散 带/乐队 Animals 用 these 离散 频带 so that they are 不 中断 by other animals Each animal calls out within its own niche

The researchers who 注意 that this banding occurs in 本质(自然) gave it the name Niche Hypothesis


A small gap

A 理论 底/基于 upon some 证据 that 促进(鼓励) further 思考

Because 声波 波 共鸣 can interfere and overpower one another where they 重叠 animals evolved to separate their calls 声 into different 频带 of 频率 so as to 避免 or 降低 this 重叠

聆 Challenge

高 Frequency
Very 高 频率 often 创作 very dense clouds of 持续 高 频率 噪

Medium-High Frequency
Quite 高 in 频率 Intermittent with an assertive 音

媒介 Frequency
媒介 频率 many changes and a clear 音色

低 Frequency
低 频率 strong and 强大 sound

The Same is True in Music
This idea also 作品 within 樂/乐 Orchestras and Pop 频带 have evolved to 包含 a 范围(排列) of 乐器 so that they can fill all different 频率 频带 低 to 高 Where 声 存在 in the same 频率 带/乐队 they often have a different 音色 so that the don’t 重叠

作曲 Tip
避免 重叠 can be very useful for retaining clarity in our own 作曲

Make sure that your 声 do 不 重叠 too much

If you have 声 in the same 频率 area make sure that they have different 声波 品质 and 也许 声像 them apart

用 转换 and filtering to move 声 into individual 音高 范围(排列)

The 声景观(声景) of habitats 功能(函数) like an 乐队 with each creature voice occupying its own place within the 声景观(声景) according to its 音高 响度 音色 and 时值 of 声波

As more and more creatures/instruments vie for a 限制 声学 空间 the ability to 清楚 stand out against the rest of the 声景观(声景) becomes even more 重要 to each species’ survival

Sometimes animals change their 自然 声波 模式 to 避免 this 重叠 过程 depending upon their 环境 One 例如 of this is where birds change their singing 模式 in city soundscapes The city is very 响 and noisy with 声 at a wide 范围(排列) of 频率 and it has been shown that where there are many 低 频率 some birds adapt to sing at a 较高 音高

Considering the whole soundscape
But while we can focus in on individual points and events within the 声景观(声景) it is also really 重要 to 识别 how all of the 元素 fit together and only make complete 感觉 when they are all 听 as one whole

We can compare this to only 聆 to the 鼓 模式 of a pop song ignoring all of the other 乐器 and voice When we only focus on one 方面 we miss out on the many 关系 between 声 and their 语义(上下文)

The 乐句 “Can’t see the wood for the trees” also demonstrates this same 效果(效应)

If you are paying a lot of attention to individual 细节 you might miss out on the bigger picture

思考 about how the different parts of a 声景观(声景) fit together can be really useful for us in seeking to 理解 that 声景观(声景) and can provide inspiration for our own 创造力 practice where we 创作 樂/乐 作品 in any 风格

Discover more wildlife 声 by visiting The Great Animal 乐队 website

The 声波 录音 are by the man who came up with the idea of the Niche Hypothesis Bernie Krause and website is designed to 作品 in partnership with a book of the same name

The 观念 of Niche Hypothesis and the 录音 that Bernie Krause has made also inspired the 发展 of The Great Animal 乐队 Symphony