Some 声 we can 识别 others we can’t What does this 中项 for 樂/乐 that is made with sounds?

Ways of Listening
As we discovered in 模式 of 聆 we can 听 to 声 in different ways

When we 听 a 声波 we might think of the 对象 that is causing it the 声波 源 we might 听 some meaning in the 声波 or we might 听 to the 特征 of the 声波 itself

Recall this 例如

源 Bonding
The link between a 声波 and a 源 is called “Source Bonding”

源 Bonding can be very strong for some 声 and 弱 for others Over 时间 源 bonding might become stronger it might get weaker or even break down completely

The 语义(上下文) in which a 声波 appears or how it is transformed will influence the 源 bonding 效果(效应)

声 might be closely bonded to their 源 in one 语义(上下文) but completely un-bonded in another 语义(上下文)

声 taken far out of their 原始/原创 语义(上下文) can even be bonded to a completely different 对象 from the one that 创作 them

Role of the Listener
It is 重要 to remember that the 声 that you edit and compile might be 听 differently by everyone who 听 to them

The 听众 builds up an 解释 of the 作品 底/基于 upon what they 听 They don’t know where the 声 originally came from or what 变形 you have made unless you tell them

Because of this we are able to be 创造力 with the 声 that we 用 We might take a 声波 from one 语义(上下文) and 变形 it to make it 声波 like something else This is the reason why 声 can be bonded to imagined 源 – rather than those that actually 创作 them

We can also 用 this same 原则 to link 声 from very different places into a “natural sounding” 声景观(声景)

听 to this 例如
The 声 come from very different 源 but have been 合并 together in such a way that they 声波 like they belong together Their 原始/原创 源 have been abandoned It is a clip from C'est Whizz! by Folrian Sulpice

An 虛/抽象 声波 is one that is 自由 of any actual or 感知(认为) 源 That 中项 that when you 听 it you cannot 想像 where it has come from or what possibly might have caused it

Fully 虛/抽象 声 are often 创作

One good way of 创作 an 虛/抽象 声波 is to take something 识别 and 变形 it until it has been changed beyond 识别

Transformed out of recognition
The beeps that you 听 at the start of this clip are gradually transformed Stretched more and more until they have changed completely This is a clip from 虛/抽象 Journeys by Andrew Hill

聞/幻听 樂/乐 often uses the 过程 of 抽象 to 探索 the 品质 of 声波 材料