Mnemonics III excerpt
by Pauline Oliveros

About the Piece

Rather than cut and 拼贴 small 作品 of 磁带 together to make a 作曲 I chose to 作品 in real 时间

I used two 磁带 machines with the 磁带 running across both machines to make a 延迟 系统 I used two or more 震荡器 at 高 频率 to produce difference 音 These 音 would also 交互 with the bias 频率 of the 磁带 录机

I would play the 震荡器 into the 磁带 录机 improvising my way through the 作品 My 系统 of 作曲 in this manner was my own invention

About The Composer

Pauline Oliveros is a senior figure in 当代 American 樂/乐 Her career spans fifty years of boundary dissolving 樂/乐 制作 In the ’50s she was part of a circle of iconoclastic composers 艺术家 poets gathered together in San Francisco

She has been as interested in finding new 声 as in finding new uses for old ones –her primary 乐器 is the accordion an unexpected visitor 也许 to 樂/乐 cutting edge!

Deep Listening

Pauline is the founder of “Deep Listening” which comes from her 童年时期 fascination with 声 and from her 作品 in concert 樂/乐 with 作曲 即兴 and electro-acoustics

She 描述 Deep 聆 as a way of 聆 in every 可能 way to everything 可能 to 听 no matter what you are doing Such intense 聆 包括 the 声 of daily life of 本质(自然) of one’s own thoughts as well as 樂/乐 声


樂/乐 excerpt courtesy of 重要 Records

The full 作品 and others by Pauline are available here

Imagaes courtesy of the 中心 for 当代 樂/乐 at Mills College