Doing a lot with very little
Keep it Simple
Minimalism is an approach that champions simplicity It is a rejection of complication and 通常 包含 very small but often 重要 changes
The composers who became interested in this 樂/乐 were 不 impressed by the large showy and 复杂 作品 of 樂/乐 as composed by many 音乐家 They wanted something simple
Minimalist 樂/乐 Example
This is an excerpt from Simon Atkinson's 'Interiorities III' It is a minimalist 作品 of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 which uses 声 transformed and stretched to their extremes
What does this 樂/乐 involve?
However this doesn’t 中项 that nothing happens Minimalist 作品 can change a great deal between their beginning and end but change so smoothly and slowly that the change almost goes unnoticed
One 作曲家 Terry Riley explained this
I [noticed] that things didn’t 声波 the same when you 听 them more than once And the more that you 听 them the more different they did 声波 Even though something was staying the same it was changing
Terry Riley in Cox and Warner 2004 285
So even if the same 声波 is 反复 over and over again the way that we
听 that 声波 will change
This is exactly the same 效果(效应) that we get when 循环 声 and our 模式 of 聆 is changed
创作 最小 Music
But how can we 创作 minimalist 作品 or experiment with this 种类 of listening? Another 作曲家 Steve Reich used the 跟随 descriptions to try and 解释 gradual and 最小 过程
“Performing and 聆 to a gradual 樂/乐 过程 resembles
Pulling back on a swing releasing it and observing it gradually come to rest
Turning over an hour glass and watching the sand slowly run through to the bottom
Placing your feet in the sand by the ocean’s edge and watching feeling and 聆 to the 波 gradually bury them”
Steve Reich in Cox and Warner 2004 304
Why 不 try to 用 these descriptive examples from Steve Reich to try and 创作 your own 作品 用 循环 and subtle changes to 创作 a 作品 that evolves slowly over 时间
也许 you could 用 循环 时间缩放 and very slow 自动化
Minimalism is also 已有 in other 艺术 painting 结构 设计 表演
Christoph Cox Daniel Warner 2004 為耳/音频 Culture Readings in 现代 樂/乐 连续统一