About the Piece

One of the ‘Five 研究 of Sounds’ this 作品 was made out of 录制 and edited piano 声

Why do you think that 舍费尔 chose this title for the piece?

Does it 声波 dark to you?

About the Composer

皮埃尔 舍费尔 worked as a 无线电 technician for the French national 无线电 and whilst working there began to experiment with 录制 声

In 194? he convinced the 无线电 站 to develop a 工作室 and 研究 group to properly investigate 录制 声 This group later became the GRM 樂/乐 研究 Group

He made his first 独奏 作曲 in 1948 the ‘Five 研究 of Sounds’

皮埃尔 Schaffer made many further 樂/乐 作品 and wrote extensively on the subject of 创作 樂/乐 with 录制 声 His 观念 have 影响 many many composers who followed him He was one of the first 人 to 识别 that the 包络 of a 声波 起衰延消 起(始) 衰(减) 延(续) 消(去)/释放 can greatly 影响 the way that it is 听