About the Piece

This is a short excerpt from the 作品 ‘Almost Nothing’ composed by Luc Ferrari The 作品 was made from 录音 taken across the course of a whole day and then edited down through 切片

Presque Rien No 1 - Excerpt

The Luc Ferrari placed his 声筒(麦克风) on the windowsill of his 浩室 and 录制 the 声 of life in the fishing village around him

He then took these 录音 into the 工作室 and selected his favourite 声 through 切片 before 编辑 the chosen 声 back together in order to 创作 a concentrated but 现实 声景观(声景) picture of the village

About the Composer

Luc Ferrari began his 樂/乐 career as a pianist but became interested in 磁带 樂/乐 after 听觉 作品 by Edgard 瓦雷兹 on the 无线电 He travelled to America to meet 瓦雷兹 in 1954 and began to 学习 from him about 制作 樂/乐 with 声

He returned to Paris and co-founded the GRM with 皮埃尔 舍费尔 in 1958 He composed many 作品 of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 in his career 制作 extensive 用 of 领域(野外) 录音 and 叙事 声波