作品 Made of Organised Sounds

Edgard 瓦雷兹 1883-1965 grew up just as 声波 錄/录 became 流行 and common He 识别 the new 可能性 that 錄/录 gave and he too repeatedly called for the 发展 of new 樂/乐 乐器 which would allow him to 创作 the new 樂/乐 of his imagination

Unfortunately 技术 was very slow to catch up with his 深入 观念 it was 不 until the 1950′s that he was able to properly experiment with 錄/录 技术 to 创作 樂/乐 作品 BUT 不 one to be defeated he set about 创作 管弦乐 作品 that explored new 声波 质地(纹理、织体) and brought new 声波 制作 设备 such as a fire engine siren into the concert hall alongside the 传统 乐器

电离 提取

听 to this 提取 taken from one of Varèse's 管弦乐 作品 in which he got the 音乐家 to 表演 new 工业 种类 声

瓦雷兹 描述 himself as “a worker in 节奏 频率 and intensities” and preferred to 用 the 术语 ‘Organised Sound’ to 描述 樂/乐

“[T]o stubbornly conditioned 耳 anything new in 樂/乐 has always been called 噪 But after all what is 樂/乐 but organised [sounds]? And a 作曲家 like all 艺术家 is an organiser of [separate] 元素 ”

When he was able to get his hands on 錄/录 技术 瓦雷兹 创作 one of the most famous of early 電聲學/电声学 作品 Poème Électronique [Electronic Poem]