Postcards from the Summer
by Rob Mackay

About the Piece

The 作品 is inspired by the 各种各样 soundscapes of the different places I visited in Europe during that summer From a farm in North Wales and the 声 of Bangor to the cities of London Bratislava Prague and Munich 

In presenting these soundscapes I have 不 知觉 tried to 唤 up the national flavour of the countries I visited although some 声 inevitably do but instead the 作品 represents snippets of my own personal experiences of these places The 听觉 图像 are 不 一定 in chronological order but instead weave a tapestry of different 声音 landscapes 

Within this 作品 I have tried to continue my interest in 变形 one 识别 声波 to another and using this 技能 to ‘travel’ from one place to another

About The Composer

Rob Mackay is a 作曲家 声波 藝者/艺者 and 表演者 He is currently a Senior Lecturer in 樂/乐 at the University of Hull

He is interested in 作曲 作品 that relate to geology 声景观(声景) 生态学 戏剧 audiovisual 装置 作品 and human-computer 交互

He 创作 a Jurassic 声景观(声景) for Scarborough’s Rotunda 博物馆 which is currently installed