作曲 your own work
用 the 技术 you have learned to 作曲 a 作品 from masses of 声波

You might choose to 创作 a mighty Block of 声波 or a more fluid Cloud of 声波

用 the 知识 you learnt from 微声 & 粒 合成 to 创作 声波 材料

Apply 观念 of 密度 Dis order and 能量 and 流 to mould these 材料 into a 动态 and evolving 作品

You may want to 听 to 作品 by Iannis Xenakis or 柯蒂斯 罗兹 for inspiration

作曲 Tip
Blocks of Sound

If 作曲 blocks of 声波 you may also find it useful to visit the page on 相位 and 复杂 Soundwave Interactions

Clouds of Sound

You may find it useful to think of flocking animals Try to 想像 birds flying in groups through the sky and how they flock together

Or how shoals of fish swarm when swimming together in the sea

Mondrian 图像 and photographs of birds and fish from Wikipedia under 创造力 Commons