作曲 a 作品 of 樂/乐 that will take the 听众 on a 旅程

This does 不 need to be a ‘concrete’ 旅程 e g travelling from place A to place B while 描述 特定 events on the way but could be more 虛/抽象 For 例如 an emotional 旅程 taking 人 from feeling happy to feeling sad

Think about the 跟随

Do different 樂/乐 结构 suggest different kinds of journey?

How can these journeys be varied?

What other 方面 of a ‘journey’ are suggested – 设置 off arriving home etc?

Hints and tips

Keep a ‘journey log’ in which you can 音符 down your 观念 for 作曲 结构 the 声 and 声波 源 that you might 用 the manipulations that you might 用 and the 印象 that you want to make on the 听众

也许 you might find it useful to develop a 图表 乐谱 or ‘sound storyboard’ which will guide your 作曲

声波 Card Pack

Click the 跟随 图像 to download the pack of “External” outdoor 声波 cards and load them into the 作曲 with 声 软件


表演 and discuss your 作曲 with teachers and peers as they progress and upload the 作品 to your profile at the end

聆 Example
If you’re still seeking inspiration then why 不 听 to a 作曲 the 探索 this idea of a journey? 虛/抽象 Journeys by Andrew Hill