Apply your 知识 of 基础 声波 变形 to 创作 your own 作品 that makes 自由 用 of 声 transformed from their 原始/原创 state


Load up 作曲 With 声 and start experimenting with the 变形 to 创作 new 声


用 these 变形 过程 to 探索 what you can do by changing the different 属性 of 声波

At the end of the 作品 it should be difficult to 听 where the 原始/原创 声 came from

Play your 作品 to a friend and ask them to 描述 the 声 that you have 创作

声波 Card Pack

Click the 跟随 图像 to download a pack of 声波 cards and load them into the 作曲 with 声 软件