人 通常 divide 声 into 噪 讨厌 声波 and 樂/乐 But 噪 樂/乐 takes these rejected 声 and makes deliberate 用 of them

Where did this come from?
In 1913 Luigi 卢梭洛 wrote his ‘Art of Noises’ arguing that

“We must break out of this 窄 circle of 纯 樂/乐 声 and conquer the infinite variety of noise-sounds ”

He wanted composers to be able to 用 all 声 and to 识别 that all 声 can be beautiful even noisy ones

As the world around us gets nosier and nosier with more cars more aeroplanes more machinery more 技术 so the need for a 樂/乐 that reflects and 探索 this world grows

See also New 观念 in 声波

What does 噪 樂/乐 involve?
噪 声 are rebellious dramatic and full of 影响 Embracing 噪 声 allows composers to express themselves with great 能量 and in great freedom

噪 樂/乐 challenges the distinction between 樂/乐 and non-musical 声波 It demands that 噪 声 the most unpopular and 讨厌 种类 of 声波 be embraced as valid interesting and beautiful

噪 樂/乐 is sometimes very 响 but can also be quiet and gentle

作曲 Tools

噪 樂/乐 often makes 用 of
噪 Sounds
故障 sounds

Who makes 噪 music?
Below are a few 人 or groups who make 噪 樂/乐


Merzbow is a Japanese 噪 藝者/艺者 who has 消(去)/释放 over 350 录音 He uses 失真 回授(反馈) to develop 声 that originally come from machinery synthesisers and home-made 噪 乐器 His 樂/乐 is 故意 响 and 刺耳(粗糙)

Merzbow and the 脏/得体 电子 Ensemble
This is a 錄/录 of a 表演 made by the Japanese 噪 藝者/艺者 Merzbow and the 脏/得体 电子 Ensemble The 音乐家 are using 回授(反馈) hiss and crackling 噪 to 创作 a very rich and dense 质地(纹理、织体)


Dushume is a thriving 实验 噪 artist/ 樂者/乐者 from Leicester with 兴趣 in fusing Asian underground 声 with 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐

He enjoys the physicality of working with 噪 both through how it 声 and the 直 way in which he can connect with the 声 He uses 分层 and 切片 to edit 现场 improvisations into 作曲 作品

Find out more in the 作曲家 案例 研究 – Dushume