What do 声 tell us about a situation?
Further develop your 聆 技巧 and 学习 to decode the 声 around us
Can you 听 what’s going on?
When we 听 to the 声 around us we can often tell quite a lot about what’s going on
We can often tell
How busy and active a 声景观(声景) is
What 种类 of 空间 it is enclosed or 开放式
How many different 对象 there are 创作 声
If these 对象 are moving / changing together or independently?
As you develop your 聆 技巧 you will be able to 听 in greater 细节 to 声 learning about 特定 声音 特征 and their 关系 to the 源 and 语义(上下文)
听觉 the 声 of Activity
行动 make 声 The more 行动 that take place the more 声 are 创作
A busy 位置 will 声波 different to a quiet one
听 to these soundscapes and compare the 级 of 活动
What is going on?
Busy / quiet / changing?
Is it busy is it quiet?
What might be happening?
What tells you about the activities?
Can you 听 any movement? Close your eye and 想像 where you might be
Recreating “Realistic” Soundscapes
If we 理解 these cues then we can construct them in 反转 and 创作 imaginary soundscapes but that still seem real We might call these “truthlike”
声波 Designers often 作品 this way in 电影 taking inspiration from 声 in the real world Think for 例如 about the 声 in an animated 电影 Animations are completely made up either drawn or made using 算機/计算机 and so they do 不 come with their own 声 Any 声 in an animated 电影 have been imported from elsewhere
聆 Challenge
Laser gun
One great 例如 of this is the 声波 of a ‘Laser gun’ Most 人 will be able to make an 印象 of a laser gun 声波 “Piaoow”
BUT there are no real laser guns 不 even outside of animations So the 声波 of the laser gun had to come from somewhere else
A laser gun 声波
So if there are no real laser guns to 录 then what made this sound?
Why 不 听 out for common everyday 声 that could also be used in 电影 or animations to 伴随 fantastical 对象
Close your eyes and 听 to the 声 around you Then 想像 something fantastical as the 源 of the 声波
用 your imagination to guess what these 声 could be
What is going on?
The more fantastical the better
What could this be?
用 your imagination
想像 something alien 制作 this sound
What is it doing?