Working with the 技术 of 声波 錄/录 and 回放 人 soon discovered that they could 创作 entirely new 声 By 处理 the 电子 信号 送 to a 扬声器 声 that had never existed before came to life The 扬声器 became part of an 乐器 itself

A 生成 sound
生成 声 are made with the help of 技术 设备 for 例如 a 算機/计算机

What you just 听 is a 生成 声波 生成 声 are used in 电子 樂/乐

You might have come across 生成 声 in many situations in your life And it is very likely that you will have 听 樂/乐 using these 声

Uncovering the Ingredients of Sound
With the help of 电子 技术 it was 可能 to examine how 声 worked

科学家 investigated the 基础 属性 of 声波 and then 创作 电子 电路 which could reproduce and 创作 new 声

They used oscilloscopes a 作品 of 设备 that displays 声波 波 on a 视觉 screen to view the 声波

Building New Sounds
Inside nearly all 电子 乐器 is an 电子 part called an 振荡器 These 创作 a 信号 波 which moves back and forth the 波 can be 描述 as oscillating Almost any 电子 设备 that produces its own 声波 will 包含 an 振荡器

These oscillating 电子 信号 are then fed to a 扬声器 and are converted into 声波 波

By 控制 the 电子 振荡器 it is 可能 to 创作 声 of different 音高 响度 and 时值

While different 种类 of 震荡器 will 创作 声 that have a different 音色

By 合并 individual 基础 声波 波 it is 可能 to 创作 an unlimited 数 of new 声音 质地(纹理、织体)

New Instruments
Many early 电子 乐器 were extensions to 现有 acoustic 乐器 e g the Electric guitar but other brand new 乐器 were soon 发明

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