学习 how to 想像 声 视觉 and how to 用 绘制 to help 理解 声

可视化 声
In order to 增益 new 理解 about 声 we can 可视化 them This might 中项 simply 草图 绘制 of 声 out on paper or using 算機/计算机 程序 to 产生 视觉 材料

You have probably seen or used the “visualiser” within your 媒体(媒介) player to 产生 图像 to 伴随 your 声 This is an 例如 of using 算機/计算机 程序 to 产生 a 视觉 解释 of the 声

These 可视化 can help us to 理解 声 in new ways

种类 of 可视化
In 可视化 声 we 学习 more about them Each 种类 of 可视化 will tell us something different about the 声波


The most common 形(曲)式 of 声波 可视化 is the 波形 view

This gives us 信息 about the 响度 of the 声波 and its 形状 of the 声波 over 时间 As a 一般 guide the larger the 波形 the 更响 the 声波

BUT this doesn’t tell us anything about the 音高 present within the 声波 or help us 作品 out if there are 多 声 happening at the same 时间


The 频谱图 is a more 深入 形(曲)式 of 可视化 and shows us all of the 音高 within the 声波

It can show us the 频率 that are happening within the 声波 and how they change over 时间

BUT it can be more difficult to read than the 波形 And takes much more 算機/计算机 power to show 声 in this way

Drawn 声

We can also make our own 解释 of 声 through 绘制

This allows us to 理解 声 in our own personal way and allows us to include all of the 信息 which we think is 重要

You can 用 different 形状 to represent different 声 different colours or 明暗法 to represent different 声波 质地(纹理、织体) 音色 place 对象 较高 or 较低 to represent 音高 and make them bigger or smaller to represent 响度

How Do we Draw Sounds?
All 声 have a 形状 and we can 听 this 形状

All we need to do is practice our 聆 so that we can 识别 the 形状

Click for Further 信息

聆 Challenge
识别 声波 形状

Below are some 声 伴随 by a 草图 绘制 that 描述 the 声波

听 to the 声波 and then look at the 图像

Can you 听 / see the 联系 between the 声 and images?

Do any 作品 better than others?

Would you have drawn any of these examples differently?

例如 One
声波 One
What might this 声波 look like?

例如 Two
声波 Two
What might this 声波 look like?

例如 Three
声波 Three
What might this 声波 look like?

例如 Four
声波 Four
What might this 声波 look like?

例如 Five
声波 Five
What might this 声波 look like?

活动 – Match 声 and 图像
There are even more 声 and 图像 to match together!

Click the 跟随 图像 to download the worksheet and 声波 files

Make Your Own 绘制 of 声波

活动 – Draw the 声
Click on the 图像 below to download and 听 to some 声 Then 草图 your own 绘制 of them on the worksheet

What 形状 might they have? – 平滑 sharp large small
What 方向 might they be going in? – Up down side to side
What colour or 明暗法 might they have? – 空(洞) 固体 模式(图案)
Should there be more than one shape?

Compare Your 绘制

One you have drawn out these 声 交换 your 草图 with a friend How are your 图像 similar? How are they different? Why might they be different?

作曲 Tip
You might find it useful to 用 绘制 of 声 to plan out a 作曲 or make 感觉 of what is happening in a 錄/录

草图 out the 作品 on paper before you make it can be a really useful way to 组织 your thoughts and the 行动 and 变形 that you need to make