声 can be 加 together or 减 from one another 学习 how new 声 can be made in this way

加 Synthesis

加 合成 包含 building 复杂 声 from simple components adding them together As we saw in 复杂 声波 声 can be 加 together to make new and more 复杂 声

The most 纯 and 基础 种类 of 声波 is a 正弦 波 But if we 分析 more 复杂 声 we can 观察 that 复杂 声 are often made up of 多 正弦 波

聆 Challenge
听 to the individual 正弦 波 组成 on its own and then play the 原始/原创 guitar 声波 Can you 听 the individual 正弦 波 as part of the 原始/原创 guitar sound?

聆 to the 正弦 波 on its own draws our 耳 attention to it and allows us to pick out this 特定 音 within the more 复杂 声波 of the 原始/原创 guitar pluck

Start with a collection of simple 正弦 波 声 and 用 these to build more 复杂 声 using the 过程 of 加 合成

减 Synthesis

减 合成 包含 carving 声 out of 复杂 声 or 噪 taking 声波 能量 away from a busy / noisy 源 噪 声 包含 a 随机 assortment of 声波 能量 spread across the 声波 频谱

By using 滤器 we can carve 声 out of 噪 much like a sculptor might carve a statue out of a block of marble

聆 Challenge
Can you 听 the 滤 声波 from within the 原始/原创 full 带/乐队 noise?

Does this 滤 声波 remind you of anything? What does it 声波 like?

Load up 作曲 With 声 and experiment with 加 and 减 合成

声波 Cards and 加 Synthesis

开放式 a project with the 正弦 波 声波 card pack loaded Combine these individual 正弦 波 to make more 复杂 声

滤器 and 减 Synthesis

Take some 噪 声 and 用 the available 滤器 to carve out new 声 噪 声波 card Pack