发现 the soundscapes all around us

Wherever we are we are surrounded by 声波 Soundscapes just like landscapes can be urban/rural industrial/agricultural busy/quiet and so on

Even though we are constantly surrounded by 声 it is 不 very often that we stop and 听 to them

By 錄/录 the 声 at a 特殊 位置 we 捕捉 its 独特 声音 环境 We can then 听 back to the 声景观(声景) 自由 from any 视觉 distractions or dangers

What can you 听 in the 跟随 soundscapes? Are there any similarities? What is different?

Hover your 鼠标 over the 图像 to play the local soundscapes

Soundscapes can change over the course of a day and the 声景观(声景) that we 听 will change as we ourselves move about

Hover your 鼠标 over the 图像 to play the local soundscapes

Challenge One
Let’s close our eyes and 听 to the 声 that are around us for a few minutes you may need to remove your headphones!

The 基础 属性 of 声波 might 证明 useful starting points for 描述 what you can 听 identify a 声波 and then try to 描述 it in 术语 of

音高 – the 品质 of a 声波 or 音 范围(排列) from 高 to 低

响度 – the 相对 volume of a 声波 范围(排列) from quiet to 响

时值 – the 长 of a 声波 from short to long

节奏 – a 模式 of strong and 弱 声

声 All Around Us
Everything that moves or 作品 makes a 声波 This makes the world full of 声

The 声 that we 听 in a certain 位置 will relate directly to the ‘things’ in that place Even with our eyes closed we can 识别 a certain 位置 底/基于 only on its 声

Certain 声 will very 清楚 identify a 特殊 位置 these 识别 声 are called 基调 声 When we 听 a 基调 声波 we 识别 a 特定 时间 place or 位置

听 to this 例如 of a 基调 声波
Where do you think it was recorded? Did it make you think of a 特定 place?

Because every 位置 is different the 声 in it will also be different This 中项 that there is a unlimited variety of soundscapes and 声音 环境 just waiting to be discovered

Test your 聆 技巧 by taking the Soundwalks 聆 quiz

With the 作曲 with 声 软件 we can invent our own completely new 声音 环境 from 预录 声

Stop look and 听 – 声 as 信号
We often rely on our ability to 听 to 方面 of the 声景观(声景) but do 不 really 识别 when we are doing it 声 can 送 us 信息

For 例如

Road crossings play a beeping 声波 to tell us when it when it is safe to cross

Busses have a bell 声波 that rings when someone requests a stop
The 时钟 in the town 中心 will 環/环 to 信号 the hour and possibly parts of the hour

When we 听 these 声 they 送 us a 信息 And we can sometimes 用 these 声 to try and 送 信息 to other 人

Every young 人 learns the famous saying

“Stop look and 听 before you cross the road ”

不 paying attention to 声 can be dangerous For 例如 someone riding a bicycle and 聆 to 响 樂/乐 won’t be able to 听 the 声 of their 环境 nearby cars pedestrians They will miss out on 信息 about these 潜力 dangers 也许 until it is too late

声 are all around us They can tell us a lot about our 环境 where we are what is going on

All soundscapes 声波 different they will change over the course of a day and as the weather changes The 声 we 听 come from the 活动 and 行动 taking place in that 空间 基调 声 are very 识别 and linked to a 特定 活动 or 位置

By 錄/录 a 声景观(声景) or by 聆 with our eyes closed we can focus on the 声 of the 声音 环境 itself

Try to 听 to the 声 around you there are hundreds of exciting soundscapes for you to 探索

虛/抽象 声 Acoustic 生态学 Contextual 聆 环境 声波 领域(野外) 錄/录 声波 源 声波 Walk