Some 声 are so short that we cannot 听 them as individual 声 Equally some 声 are so long that they began before we arrived and will continue after we leave

How Long is a Sound?
声 can be really long very short or anything in between

Sometimes 声 are so long that they seem to be continuous they start before we arrive and end after we leave

And sometimes 声 are so short that they begin to blur into one another so that we can’t 听 them as individual 声 any more

Shrinking Beeps
The beeps get shorter and shorter until they become so short that we can't tell them apart and they merge into a continuous sound

长 is one of the 主要 参数 of 传统 樂/乐 and is really useful for allowing us to 描述 and 作品 with 声

作曲 Tip
When 创作 a 作品 it is often a good idea to 用 a 混合 of long and short 声

This will add to the 多样性(差异) in your 作品 and give you a rich 质地(纹理、织体)

音符 长 and 传统 樂/乐 Notation

时间 and 时值 is notated horizontally in 传统 樂/乐 乐谱 with different 图标 and 形状 to indicate different 音符 durations This allows us to see individual 音符 durations and groups of 音符 representing rhythmical 模式

However some 声 possess their own 内在 节奏 模式 and cannot easily be 描述 by using 传统 记谱法

Difficult to describe
It would be difficult to notate the different durations of every 声波 within this short clip

When working with 声 we can’t rely on a 视觉 diagram of 节奏 We must rely on our 耳 and an ability to 听 out for 声 as they begin stop and 交互 with other 声

持续 or Changing Duration?
Some 声 will be contained and 持续 yet many 声 may change over 时间 Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if a 声波 is 持续 or changing

Glass Ding - 速度 Up
This 循环 声波 gets faster and faster and the 声 within it get shorter and shorter

Changing Durations
The 声波 durations in this clip are constantly changing

持续 Duration
This 循环 声波 is 持续 the 声波 durations do 不 change

持续 or Changing?
Sometimes it can be difficult to identify if 声波 durations are 持续 or changing This 文件 changes in 质地(纹理、织体) but the 循环 节奏 remains the same If changes happen very slowly it can be difficult to 点 them

Connections between Individual Sounds
Even though 声 can be 描述 个别 they often 作品 together in groups or 模式 sometimes called gestures 质地(纹理、织体) or 节奏

平滑 or Detached?

When these groupings happen the 声 can relate to one another in either a 平滑 or detached way

If the 声 流 into one another comfortably we can 描述 them as 平滑

If the 声 are jittery or awkward and dont 流 well we can 描述 them as detatched

时值 of 质地(纹理、织体) / Gestures

Sometimes it is more sensible for us to think about the 时值 of the texture/gesture than it is to think about the individual 声波 events on their own

粒 Cloud
It is more useful for us to think about the 时值 of this 平滑 粒 cloud than to think about the many individual small 声 that make it up This is because the individual 声 all 作品 together to 创作 a larger 质地(纹理、织体)

粒 Clouds are collections of very small 声 in exactly the same way that clouds in the sky are collections of water droplets They are highly textural but can also have their own gestural 方向

See also 粒 合成

听 to some 声 and try to group them into 时值 类别(流派) short 媒介 long etc

Are there any patterns?

Do these 模式 change or are they steady?

Can you always 听 the end of one 声波 and the beginning of the next? How can you tell the 长 of the 声 if you don’t know where they begin?

Do the durations change?
It is much easier if you can 录 the 声 and are able to 听 to them again and again

也许 a 记谱法 类似 to 传统 five-line 记谱法 is useful for some 声 虚构 形式 of 图表 记谱法 may better represent others

See 视觉 表示法 AND 图表 Score

长 in 时间 In our 案例 for a 声波 or a group of 声

学习 More
探索 时值 in “The 声 of 声波 底/基于 Music” – 时值