Written by Luigi 卢梭洛 the leaflet 争论 that 传统 orchestras 限制 themselves to only four or five different 种类 of 声

乐器 played with the bow
Plucked 乐器
Brass 乐器
Woodwinds and
He demanded “We must break out of this 窄 circle of 纯 樂/乐 声 and conquer the infinite variety of noise-sounds ”

“Let us [ ] invite young 音乐家 of genius and audacity to 听 attentively to all 噪 so that they may 理解 the varied 节奏 [and tones] of which they are composed […] Then 对比 the varied 音色 of 噪 with those of 樂/乐 音 they will be convinced how much more [diverse and interesting are noise-sounds than 传统 管弦乐 sounds] ”