探索 the different styles of 声波 底/基于 樂/乐 from the 虛/抽象 to the 识别 and introduce yourself to 作曲 approaches for 部勒/组织 声波

声景观(声景) Music
声景观(声景) 樂/乐 is made of 录制 声 from the world around us Composers combine and 操控 different 录音 of the world to 创作 new ‘sonic environments’

领域(野外) Recording
The 艺术 of 声波 錄/录 outside of the 工作室

樂/乐 Concrète
樂/乐 實/具体 uses real-world 声 focusing on the 樂/乐 参数 of 声波 rather than the 声波 源 itself

偶然性 and 随机性 can be a really good way to find new 声 and 产生 new 观念 But some composers decided to go even further and hand over most of the 作曲 决定 to 偶然性

電聲學/电声学 Music
電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 emerged from the 混 and 组合 of 技术 from 樂/乐 實/具体 and 德国电子 樂/乐

The name 掠夺之声 is made up of two individual 词 ‘Plunder’ to take or steal think pirates and ‘phonics’ a 词 that indicates 声 or sounding 对象 Therefore the name 中项 to 作曲 作品 with stolen 声 John Oswald the man who 发明 the name also called it ‘Audio Piracy’

叙事 Music
作品 that include 声 which are 故意 意味 to be 识别 as or linked with a 特定 声波 创作 对象

声波 Art
声波 艺术 is a 一般 类别 that 包括 many different 种类 of 作品 It is mainly used to 描述 声波 底/基于 作品 that are designed for 艺术 galleries 博物馆 or 大众 places