Helpful guides to aid you in 创作 your own 作品 用 these to help you come up with new 观念 or if you are stuck wondering where to take your 作品 next
能量 and Flow
能量 is behind every 声波 it is the cause of 声波 波 共鸣 and all 声 must follow the 自然 laws of 能量
Being aware of 能量 模式 and 流 can help us to 创作 gestures and 声 which listeners find 自然 and 现实
The 变形 and 发展 of 材料 is a simple but highly 强大 工具 used in many different 种类 of 樂/乐
The question of how to 结构 材料 can be difficult We will examine a 数 of 可能 策略 and encourage you to develop your own
When working with 录制 声波 空间 becomes a 强大 元素 within 作曲 Both the 定位 of 声波 and the 印象 of 空间 can be really 重要
声 are 定义 by the 静 that surrounds them And in this way 静 itself becomes a key 元素 in 作曲
目的 / Expression
Beginning to 控制 and 用 声 for a purpose
质地(纹理、织体) make up a big part of 樂/乐
We will 探索 and 学习 how we can 用 them in our own 作曲
樂/乐 is full of gestures an 行为 or 声波 that is going somewhere
We will 探索 and 学习 how we can 用 them in our own 作曲
探索 of Sounds
探索 声 using your own personal 乐器 your voice
You will develop your 技巧 in 聆 and 创作 声
作曲 Tips
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