A 处理 in which the 时值 of a 声波 is altered 时间 stretching can be used to make 声 longer or shorter

时间缩放 can be done on its own using 数字 技术 or can be linked with 音高移位 as it was with 模拟 技术 for 例如 as in playing a 录 at the wrong 速度

[In 数字 樂/乐 时间 stretching and 压 involve the elongation or 简化 of a 錄/录 without changing its 音高 Whilst using 磁带 the 音高 rose or descended according to the amount of 增 or 下降 速度 ]

Large-scale stretching can lead to 粒 质地(纹理、织体) large-scale 压 can lead to the 源 becoming masked