声波 艺术 is a 一般 类别 that 包括 many different 种类 of 作品 It is mainly used to 描述 声波 底/基于 作品 that are designed for 艺术 galleries 博物馆 or 大众 places
What different 种类 of 声波 艺术 are there?
声波 艺术 is quite a broad 类别 and can be used to 描述 many different 种类 of 作品
Two 主要 catagories of 声波 艺术 are
固定 media
The 作品 is made in the 工作室 and does 不 change It is set up in a special way or in a special place but is simply played back on a long 循环
The 作品 is constantly changing according to how 人 or things 交互 with it 声波 输出 is 控制 by some outside changing 参数
What are 固定 媒体(媒介) 声波 艺术 Works?
固定 媒体(媒介) 声波 艺术 作品 play back 声 that do 不 respond directly to outside 影响(作用) However by moving about the 空间 getting nearer to some 声 and further 形(曲)式 others the 听众 can change what it is that they 听 and 改 their 经验 of the 作品
1958 Philips Pavillion
An 可沉浸 声波 艺术 装置 that also 合并 电影 工程 and lighting within a custom built building 创作 especially for the 1958 world fair in Brussels
Two 樂/乐 作品 were played back over 350 扬声器 dotted all across the 内在 walls of the building The 作品 were composed by Edgard 瓦雷兹 and Iannis Xenakis
声 would travel all around the 听众 in great sweeps as well as up and down the walls
You can 经验 a 虚拟 现实 模拟 of the whole Poème électronique 经验 online here This allows you to wander through the pavilion 听 the 声 as they travel through the 虚拟 空间 and view the 伴奏 图像
Pandemonium – Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller
An 装置 within a disused American prison in which 对象 struck and hit doors walls and 对象 创作 a cacophony of 声波 that 混响 throughout the empty prison wing
Even in the 立体声 声波 錄/录 of this 装置 you can 听 the 声 that are far and those that are near
想像 being in this 空间 with the 声 happening all around you
http //www cardiffmiller com/artworks/inst/pandemonium html
Many early 装置 were 固定 媒体(媒介) because the 技术 to 录 and respond to outside 交互 used to be very complicated and expensive
固定 媒体(媒介) 装置 often make 用 of the individual 特征 of the 空间 within which they are 底/基于 Taking advantage of the 自然 声学 and architectural 属性 of the building
What are 交互 声波 艺术 Works?
也许 it is helpful to think about a 作品 of 交互 声波 艺术 as being a large 乐器 One that is set up and then left to be played
交互 装置 with Birds! – Celeste Boursier-Mougenot
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot’s 装置 at the London Barbican Gallery in 2010
In this 作品 the 声波 藝者/艺者 has set up the 作品 of the 装置 and left the 声波 制作 to the birds!
乐谱 for a Hole in the Ground – Jem Finer
Jem Finer 创作 a 作品 of 声波 艺术 called “Score for a Hole in the Ground” which is played by dripping water slowly falling down into a large hole in the ground
A 錄/录 of 乐谱 for a Hole in the Ground
The giant horn amplifies the dripping 声 as they fall and strike the metal chimes within the hole
This 术语 通常 designates the 艺术 形(曲)式 in which the 声波 is its 基础 单元
A liberal view of 声音 艺术 would take it to be a subset of 樂/乐 It is also used in its plural 形(曲)式 [Landy 2007a 10 EARS] 声波
艺术 This 术语 has been used inconsistently throughout the years
It is typically used to designate 声波 装置 联合 with 艺术 galleries 博物馆 and 大众 spaces 声波 sculptures 大众 声音 artefacts and site- 特定 声音 艺术 events
声波 艺术 is that it is 通常 不 意图 for concert 表演 often does 不 have a beginning or an end and thus does 不 demand full-time 临场 or attention and 通常 takes its site/context into account