The name 掠夺之声 is made up of two individual 词

‘Plunder’ to take or steal think pirates and
‘phonics’ a 词 that indicates 声 or sounding 对象
Therefore the name 中项 to 作曲 作品 with stolen 声 John Oswald the man who 发明 the name also called it ‘Audio Piracy’

為耳/音频 Piracy
In 作品 of 掠夺之声 the 作曲家 uses 采样 from 现有 录音 of 樂/乐 作品 as the 源 材料 to 创作 new 作品 By changing the 回放 速度 transposing the 采样 or filtering them one can 探索 the 品质 of the 声 that are available and in doing this you can 创作 new 樂/乐 For 例如 to take a pop song and 时间 stretch it

George Martin / Beatles
听 to this 例如 in which John Oswald took two famous clips from 樂/乐 by the Beatles 循环 and pitch-shifted transposed them

A 作品 of 艺术 that is made by assembling 作品 of different 材料 together

The 视觉 艺术 have often used excerpts and clips from 媒体(媒介) such as advertising 流行 culture and the news in the 创作 of “new” artworks through 技术 such as 拼贴

音乐家 and those working with 声波 took longer but soon realised that the could do the same with 采样 And as soon as 声 are 录制 they become trapped 对象 that can be 控制 In 掠夺之声 艺术家 take the archives of 声波 录音 提取 采样 and 用 these to make new 樂/乐

Pop and Hip Hop
Pop 樂/乐 and hip hop often make 用 of 采样 just like 掠夺之声 Old songs or 采样 made from famous quotes from films news or 媒体(媒介) are taken and used within a new 作品 of 樂/乐

One 例如 is ’A Stroke of Genius’ by Freelance Hellraiser an album made of 流行 songs mashed and 混 together

A Stroke of Genuis by Freelance Hellraiser
This 轨 is a mash-up of

Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle
The Strokes' Hard To 解释

But to whom does the 轨 belong?

Would you say that it is still a 轨 by one of the 原始/原创 artists?
Or does it belong to the 人 who made the mash-up?
What other 问题 might be 联合 with taking and using someone else’s 樂/乐 in your own work?


掠夺之声 is a 政治 style of 樂/乐 which challenges copyright 定理 and questions the ownership of 声

拼贴 编辑 滤器 分层 循环 音高 移位/偏移