樂/乐 實/具体 uses real-world 声 focusing on the 樂/乐 参数 of 声波 rather than the 声波 源 itself

Where did it begin?

樂/乐 實/具体 was 发明 in the Paris 工作室 founded by 皮埃尔 舍费尔 He and his colleagues were fascinated by 声 and the way in which 声 had their own life when separated from the 对象 that 创作 them By 錄/录 声 and taking them into the 工作室 舍费尔 and his colleagues could experiment 变形 and play with 声 制作 them do things that would never be 可能 in the real world

They discovered that by changing the 速度 of 声 by reversing and by 切片 they could 创作 radically new 质地(纹理、织体)

Étude violette
听 to this clip from the 作品 Étude violette Violet 研究 and 听 the incredible new 声 that 皮埃尔 舍费尔 创作

What does this 樂/乐 involve?

The 词 樂/乐 實/具体 中项 實/具体 樂/乐 This comes from the fact that it is made out of 录制 声 声 that have been captured trapped so that we can 物理 操控 them

The 过程 of 制作 實/具体 樂/乐 begins with 声 The 作曲家 experiments and builds or moulds the 作品 out of 声 This is very different from 传统 樂/乐 where the 作曲家 often begins with an 虛/抽象 idea written down as dots on paper which only becomes 声波 when it is played by 音乐家 at the very end

Working with 声波 Directly

Working with 声 directly gives the 作曲家 much more 控制 and allows them to mould exactly how their 作品 will 声波 at the end

Unlike for 声景观(声景) 作曲 composers of 樂/乐 實/具体 are 不 so interested in focussing on where 声 came from but what they can turn them into

In 创作 作品 of 樂/乐 實/具体 composers tend to make many more 变形 and to 用 these to 创作 many new 声

作曲 Tip
Common manipulations used in 樂/乐 實/具体 are
•Time Stretch


Click to 听 to MORE 作品 of 樂/乐 實/具体

虛/抽象 声 高度 聆 处理 效果(效应) 樂/乐 聆 樂/乐 Concrète

A 术语 创作 by 皮埃尔 舍费尔 in 1948 to 描述 his new 樂/乐 which started from the 實/具体 声波 材料 from 听 声波 舍费尔 wanted 人 to ignore the 源 and cause of the 實/具体 声 and instead focus upon the musicality of 声 He wanted to encourage 樂/乐 聆 for all 声

Many early 作品 of 樂/乐 實/具体 due to the unsophisticated 工具 on 提供 could be 听 to both in 术语 of their 源 as well as their 樂/乐 品质