创作 Grains
Grains can be made by cutting 声 into very small 作品

These small 作品 can then be reassembled in a 随机 order to 创作 a 粒 cloud

Grains can also be made from very short bursts of 噪 or from 电子 音

属性 of Grains
The 主要 属性 of a 粒 can be 描述 in 术语 of

时值 – how long is the 粒
包络 – what is the 形状 of the 粒 over 时间
音色 – sometimes called “Grain Shape” this is inherited from the 属性 of the 源 声波

Each of these 特征 will 影响 the 品质 of the 粒 cloud


The 长 of the 粒 may vary from ten-milliseconds 10ms up to a few seconds

Long grains will retain a lot of the character of the 原始/原创 声波 while shorter grains will begin to loose this character

{IMAGE – 声波 cards cut into very 薄 slices at one end slowly extending to larger chunks}

The longer the 时值 of each 粒 the more 识别 individual grains become

[SOUND 例如 - Vary 粒 Length]


The 形状 of the 粒 over 时间 will 影响 they way in which individual grains combine and merge themselves together


Envelopes allow grains to merge together The 种类 of 包络 chosen will 影响 the way in which the grains combine and will 影响 how much of the 原始/原创 音色 of the 声波 源 we 听

[SOUND 例如 - Vary 粒 Envelope]


The 音色 of the 粒 which some 人 call the 粒 形状 is 影响 by the 原始/原创 源 材料 from which the 粒 was cut

Different 源 材料 will 创作 different 粒 质地(纹理、织体)

[IMAGE - Different 源 材料 声波 Cards being fed into a granulator to 创作 ??? 粒 texture]

BUT the 时值 and 包络 of the grains will also 影响 the 终 resulting 音色 of the 粒

[SOUND 例如 - vary 粒 源 material]

合并 Grains
When we begin to combine grains into “clouds” the way in which the grains relate to one another greatly affects the 品质 of the 粒 cloud that is made

We need to be able to 描述 the 关系 between the grains

We can talk of the

Spacing – how big is the gap between grains
密度 – how many grains are there in one place 密度 is discussed in more 细节 here

{IMAGE – DENSE 粒 CLOUD} + {Sound Example}


From Grains to 声波 Masses
Grains can be brought together in two different ways in order to 创作 “sound masses”

Blocks of Sound

They can merge to 形(曲)式 larger sounding 对象 surrendering their individual character into the new 对象

There is little or no 空间 between the grains and their envelopes 重叠 to 创作 a seamless 声波

低 Spacing
高 Density
Clouds of Sound

They can be grouped together still retaining their individual 粒 characteristic in a 粒 cloud

The grains 形(曲)式 a cloud of 声波 in which individual grains flock together but are still 听 as 清晰(独特) from one another


较高 级 of spacing
较低 级 of density
The 种类 of grains used and they way in which they are 合并 will 影响 the 特征 of the 终 声波

Try using blocks and clouds of 声 within your 作曲 Can you 想像 how they might be combined?

也许 a block of 声波 might shatter into a 粒 cloud
OR a 粒 cloud might merge to 形(曲)式 a block of sound?

Be creative!

The granulation 过程 is also used within 时间缩放 算法 It allows us to time-stretch a 声波 without changing the 音高

It 作品 by granulating the 原始/原创 声波 and then 循环 the grains This extends the 声 without changing the 音高

A 方法 by which 声 are broken into tiny Grains and then reassembled and reorganised to 形(曲)式 other 声