空间 成像 is commonly thought of by the 作曲家 in relatively objective way as a 中项 of enhancing the sounding 属性 inherent in spectro-morphologies and 结构 relations Simply stated a 樂/乐 姿态 can be more vividly dramatised through 空间 displacement just as a 质地(纹理、织体) can be made 'environmental' through 空间 分布 Such 空间 成像 considered by the 作曲家 and composed into the 樂/乐 I shall call composed 空间

The indoors 聆 空间 encloses and may either confine or expand the composed 空间 This ultimate 空间 where the 听众 perceives is therefore a superimposed 空间 a nesting of the composed spaces within a 聆 空间 源 - Denis Smalley 1991 L'espace du Son II Ohain Editions Musiques et Recherches