发现 the soundscapes all around us

Wherever we are we are surrounded by 声波 Soundscapes just like landscapes can be 都市 rural 工业 科技 busy or quiet etc

Even though we are constantly surrounded by 声 it is 不 very often that we stop and 听 to them

Soundscapes can change over the course of a day and the 声景观(声景) that we 听 will change as we ourselves move about

Challenge One•Let's close our eyes and 听 to the 声 that are around us for a few minutes you may need to remove your headphones!

The 基础 属性 of 声波 might 证明 useful starting points
◦Pitch – the 品质 of a 声波 or 音 范围(排列) from 高 to 低
◦Dynamics – the 相对 volume of a 声波 范围(排列) from quiet to 响
◦Duration – the 长 of a 声波 from short to long
◦Rhythm – a 模式 of strong and 弱 声

Stop look and LISTEN

We often rely on our ability to 听 to 方面 of the 声景观(声景) but do 不 really 识别 when we are doing it

Every young 人 learns the famous saying

Stop look and 听 before you cross the road

不 paying attention to 声 can be dangerous For 例如 someone riding a bicycle and 聆 to 响 樂/乐 won't be able to 听 the 声 of their 环境 nearby cars pedestrians They will miss out on 信息 about these 潜力 dangers 也许 until it is too late

Road crossings play a beeping 声波 to tell us when it when it is safe to cross

Some 人 even argue that subtleties of our 声音 环境 can 影响 how 人 feel and 交互 for 例如 the way that we feel if we are in the busy city vs the quiet countryside

虛/抽象 声 Acoustic 生态学 Contextual 聆 环境 声波 领域(野外) 錄/录 声波 源 声波 Walk