作曲 a 作品 that 探索 the gestures and 音色 of 声

用 your 技巧 in 变形 and 聆 to 创作 a 作品 from gestures and 质地(纹理、织体)


You might find it useful to 限制 yourself to using only a few 材料 at first and then gradually expand your palette as you need new 声

If you're struggling to choose 声 for you to start 作曲 with then try to pick 声 which you find really interesting or have a personal 重要(意义) for you

发展 of Materials

Take your chosen 材料 and begin to 变形 them by using the manipulations in 作曲 With 声 Experiment with many different 种类 组合 and 设置 of 效果 用 the export 功能(函数) to 创作 permanently 储存 copies of the processed 声

You might 不 end up using all of the 声 that you 创作 in a 终 作品 but it's useful to have a wide collection to choose from Later on in the 过程 you'll then be able to make new 声 on demand according to your needs for 例如 if a 声波 is ALMOST correct you'll be able to hold the almost correct version while you go back in and experiment with subtle changes in the 参数 and 设置 You'll then be able to compare the almost correct 声波 with the new 声波 that you're 创作 until it 声 just right for your needs

作曲 Tip
Think about 能量 and the 自然 属性 of 对象 this will allow you to relate 声 together in a way that 声 / feels 自然

For 例如 think about the swing of a bat the thwack of it striking a ball and the 终 trajectory of the ball as it flies off and slowly loses 能量 These 行动 are all 相关 by a 转移 of 能量 and the 转移 of 能量 in this 例如 can be used as a 模型 for our own composite gestures