In 舍费尔 理论 虛/抽象 and 實/具体 are two isotopes of 现实 two faces of every 感知 interdependent and complementary which must be reconciled and balanced in 樂/乐 against the excess of 實/具体 in 樂/乐 實/具体 or the excess of 虛/抽象 in serial and other 种类 of a priori 乐

When in 1948 皮埃尔 舍费尔 gave the name 實/具体 to the 樂/乐 which he 发明 he wanted to 证明 that this new 樂/乐 started from the 實/具体 声波 材料 from 听 声波 and then 寻求 to 虛/抽象 樂/乐 价值 from it And this is the opposite of 经典 樂/乐 which starts from an 虛/抽象 概念 and 记谱法 leading to a 實/具体 表演

Furthermore Schaeffer's table in the quatre écoutes is made by crossing horizontally and vertically the two 基(础) sets of opposites which are 已有 in every perceptual 活动 Objective/Subjective and Abstract/Concrete

The 声波 对象 the correlate of 化 聆 is 定义 as the 合成 of an 虛/抽象 goal and a 實/具体 goal which refer back to it the 对象 instead of using it to get at an 虛/抽象 meaning or a 實/具体 源 Paraphrase of Michel Chion 1983 Guide des Objets Sonores Eds Buchet/Chastel Paris 1995 translation by John Dack/Christine North