探索 the inner workings of 声波
How do 声 work? Where do they come from? How are we able to 听 them? What happens when you 录 a sound? and more

When 声 are 加 together they can 创作 new 质地(纹理、织体) But we can also 用 one 声波 to 控制 the 属性 of another 创作 模式 or 节奏

加 + and 减 - Synthesis
声 can be 加 together or 减 from one another 学习 how new 声 can be made in this way

声波 can add together and subtract from one another cancelling each other out This property of 声 can be 讨厌 but can also be used 创造性

声像 and 多 Loudspeakers
声 in the real world often move But if we 捕捉 those 声 using a stationary 声筒(麦克风) and play them back using a stationary 扬声器 then the 声波 no longer moves it comes from a 固定 and stationary point – the still 扬声器 声 also come from all around us By using 多 扬声器 we can 再引入 the 印象 of 定位 and 动作 for 声

复杂 Soundwaves
Most 对象 振动 in a more 复杂 way than a simple back and forth 运动 The more 复杂 the 共鸣 the more 复杂 the resulting 声波 波

捕捉 and Reproducing Sounds
学习 the way in which 声 功能(函数) and how they travel from the sounding 对象 via 共鸣 in air to our 耳

生成 Sounds
Using 电子 技术 it is 可能 for us to 合成 new 声