Confirm your 理解 of 声波 底/基于 樂/乐 through exploring 深入 观念 in 声波 处理 and 作曲

能量 and Flow
能量 is behind every 声波 it is the cause of 声波 波 共鸣 and all 声 must follow the 自然 laws of 能量

Being aware of 能量 模式 and 流 can help us to 创作 gestures and 声 which listeners find 自然 and 现实

When 声 are 加 together they can 创作 new 质地(纹理、织体) But we can also 用 one 声波 to 控制 the 属性 of another 创作 模式 or 节奏

加 + and 减 - Synthesis
声 can be 加 together or 减 from one another 学习 how new 声 can be made in this way

声波 can add together and subtract from one another cancelling each other out This property of 声 can be 讨厌 but can also be used 创造性

The 空间 property of being crowded together

The name 掠夺之声 is made up of two individual 词

'Plunder' to take or steal think pirates and
'phonics' a 词 that indicates 声 or sounding 对象
Therefore the name 中项 to 作曲 作品 with stolen 声 John Oswald the man who 发明 the name also called it 'Audio Piracy'

叙事 Music
作品 that include 声 which are 故意 意味 to be 识别 as or linked with a 特定 声波 创作 对象

声波 Art
声波 艺术 is a 一般 类别 that 包括 many different 种类 of 作品 It is mainly used to 描述 声波 底/基于 作品 that are designed for 艺术 galleries 博物馆 or 大众 places