探索 new ways of 思考 about 声 and new approaches to 作曲 with them

The 变形 and 发展 of 材料 is a simple but highly 强大 工具 used in many different 种类 of 樂/乐

The question of how to 结构 材料 can be difficult We will examine a 数 of 可能 策略 and encourage you to develop your own

When working with 录制 声波 空间 becomes a 强大 元素 within 作曲 Both the 定位 of 声波 and the 印象 of 空间 can be really 重要

声 are 定义 by the 静 that surrounds them And in this way 静 itself becomes a key 元素 in 作曲

電聲學/电声学 Piece
作曲 a 作品 that 探索 the gestures and 音色 of 声

声像 and 多 Loudspeakers
声 in the real world often move But if we 捕捉 those 声 using a stationary 声筒(麦克风) and play them back using a stationary 扬声器 then the 声波 no longer moves it comes from a 固定 and stationary point – the still 扬声器 声 also come from all around us By using 多 扬声器 we can 再引入 the 印象 of 定位 and 动作 for 声

复杂 Soundwaves
Most 对象 振动 in a more 复杂 way than a simple back and forth 运动 The more 复杂 the 共鸣 the more 复杂 the resulting 声波 波

模式 of Listening
学习 to 听 in different ways Either to the 属性 of the 声波 itself 樂/乐 聆 or to the 源 of the 声波 contextual 聆

Some 声 we can 识别 others we can't What does this 中项 for 樂/乐 that is made with sounds?

音色 / 声波 Quality
How can you 描述 the 质地(纹理、织体) of sounds?

偶然性 and 随机性 can be a really good way to find new 声 and 产生 new 观念 But some composers decided to go even further and hand over most of the 作曲 决定 to 偶然性

電聲學/电声学 Music
電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 emerged from the 混 and 组合 of 技术 from 樂/乐 實/具体 and 德国电子 樂/乐

樂/乐 and Maths
For thousands of years 人 have tried to 用 数学 to 描述 and 理解 樂/乐