听觉 Discourse 提及 to conventional and 熟悉 结构 and discursive 樂/乐 attributes such as 关系 and 模式 of 音高 and 节奏 摹仿 Discourse 提及 to the signifying 潜力 of 参考 or extrinsic attributes of 声波 being 尤其 pertinent to 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 which uses 录制 声波 as 材料 The pairing was proposed by Simon Emmerson in 'The 关系 of 语言 to Materials' in Emmerson S ed 1986 The 语言 of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 Basingstoke Macmillan Press in which he proposes a 连续统一 between the two The pair is also 相关 to Abstract/Abstracted Discourse