In the same vein as the 研究 of paradoxes and ambiguities in 视觉 感知 i e optical illusions for 例如 M C Escher 听觉 错觉 as an area of 研究 has contributed significantly to our 理解 of perceptual and 认知 过程 in decoding 声音 and 樂/乐 感官 inputs With the 作品 of Jean-Claude Risset and R N Shepard 创者 of Shepard 音 it has also contributed to the 发展 of 電聲學/电声学 技术 and 中项 in 特殊 in the 领域(野外) of 声波 合成 听觉 illusions may 经常 be caused by paradoxes in our 感知 of pitch/frequency and 空间 位置 of 声波

Closely allied is the 概念 of 分析 through 合成 significant in the 发展 of 技术 such as 频率 调制 合成 发展 by John Chowning For recent 研究 in the 领域(野外) refer to the 作品 of Diana Deutsch http //deutsch ucsd edu/