通常 abbreviated to 立体声 a 形(曲)式 of 声波 錄/录 and 再现 which aims to reproduce a 空间 听觉 经验 in 术语 of width and 深 analogous to 人类 双耳录音 听觉 Two 声筒(麦克风) 加 可能 additional complementary 声筒(麦克风) are used to 录 two independent representations of 声波 to two 通道 As well as representing a domestic 為耳/音频 标准 立体声 has been widely 采用 in 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 立体声 being suited to 回放 over any 数 of 扬声器 and therefore used in 扩散 系统 八声道式 系统 and so on The 术语 is 派生 from the Greek stereos meaning 固体 which is the 听觉 效果(效应) it strives to achieve