Any past or 消失 声波 remembered 怀旧 尤其 when 理想化 or otherwise 特定 special importance Whereas new 声 are often experienced as 声波 恐惧 old or past 声 are often elevated to the 类别 of 声波 浪漫 in 内存(记忆) Many such 声 were often regarded as unimportant when actually current yet later 听觉 them may 触发 strong 内存(记忆)

声 experienced during 童年时期 for instance often become 浪漫 for the 成年人 After moving away from a 特定 area 尤其 one strongly linked with 声波 such as a 团体 by the ocean to a place 缺乏 those 熟悉 声 these may also 获得 a 浪漫 or nostalgic 品质 Other 声 go beyond having only personal 浪漫 品质 and are 价值 and 保存 by a 社会 as 声标

源 Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901