A 采样 is a portion of 声波 locked in 数字 内存(记忆) which can be played back transposed and undergo 几个 other 变形 which are 可能 in a dedicated 设备 such as a 采样器 or on a computer's hard 光盘/磁盘 Most of these 功能(函数) can be triggered either by the sampler's 控制 by a 樂器數界/乐器数字接口 乐器 or through other 数字 界面 算機/计算机 软件 or 硬件 樂器數界/乐器数字接口 数据 boxes 源 - Rodolfo Caesar 1992 The 作曲 of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 PhD Thesis University of East Anglia

A 采样器 is an 电子 乐器 that allows for the 捕捉 of 数字 录音 of any 声波 which can be played back by way of any 樂器數界/乐器数字接口 触发 Most samplers allow for modest 编辑 opportunities e g 包络 滤器 调制 as well as 创作 a 数字 循环 allowing short 声 to be 延(续)