This 术语 提及 to any 艺术 表演 or 人工制品 that is 意图 for 接受 by and/or 创造力 participation of the 大众 at large often outside of the 传统 spaces and 模式 in which 艺术 is engaged with concert hall gallery etc It may take any one of a 数 of 可能 形式 表演 装置 干涉 雕塑 etc and is 不 一定 意图 to be appreciated by a 传统 or expert 听众 联合 with any one 形(曲)式 of 艺术 practice 大众 艺术 can be incorporated as an 方面 of 都市 and regional planning through the commissioning of 性能 and artefacts 联合 with the 动画 energising or redevelopment of 特定 sites or areas

源 – SA