1 A global appellation for any 樂/乐 or 声音 作品 whose existence is dependent on the 技术 of 声波 錄/录 at some point in its 创作 The 术语 could therefore include many areas of 電聲學/电声学 乐作 that involve the 创作 of a 'fiction' or 'fabrication' e g 聞/幻听 叙事 掠夺之声 or collage-based 作曲 but could also be extended to the customary 用 of 声波 錄/录 i e to document 性能 of 现有 乐 as well

2 A 术语 denoting the 概念 of 声波 錄/录 being a 形(曲)式 of 声波 'photography' coined by the French 作曲家 and theorist François-Bernard Mâche In Mâche's 作品 the 术语 is of 重要(意义) at the 级 of his attitude of allowing 'reality' to be present in the 樂/乐 作品 and from his 用 of 音片 in French phonographie as a 模型 This may or may 不 appear in the eventual 作品 and can be used in pursuing 创造力 活动 other than 声波 錄/录 This 概念 is 相关 in some ways to 'musicalised' notions of the 'found object' in French objet trouvé and Duchamp's ready-made