面向对象 程序设计(编程) is organised around 对象 rather than 行动 数据 rather than 逻辑 历史 a program has been viewed as a 逻辑 procedure that takes 输入 数据 过程 it and produces 输出 数据 The 程序设计(编程) challenge was seen as how to write the 逻辑 不 how to 定义 the 数据 面向对象 程序设计(编程) privileges the 对象 we want to 操控 rather than the 逻辑 required to 操控 them

The first step in OOP is to identify all the 对象 you want to 操控 and how they relate to each other an exercise often known as 数据 模型(建模) Once an 对象 is identified you generalise it as a class of 对象 and 定义 the kind of 数据 it 包含 and any 逻辑 sequences that can 操控 it Each 清晰(独特) 逻辑 序 is known as a 方法 A real instance of a class is called an 对象 or in some 环境 an instance of a class The 对象 or class instance is what you run in the 算機/计算机 Its 方法 provide 算機/计算机 instructions and the class 对象 特征 provide relevant 数据 One communicates with 对象 - and they communicate with each other - with well-defined 界面 called 信息 源 - http //searchwin2000 techtarget com/sDefinition/0 sid1_gci212681 00 html