Simultaneously with the widespread availability of 数字 工具 in the early-mid 1980s many signifying practices - 视觉 艺术 舞 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 - which had for some 时间 been characterised by self-reflexive 'abstract' 作品 began to show a more explicit interest in 各种各样 形式 of 叙述性 From an acknowledgement that a 作品 can explicitly document its own 制作 it is a relatively small step to incorporating 叙事 or programmatic-illustrative 元素 and encouraged by the sampler's propensity for quotation and cross-referencing between 作品 histories cultures and 风格 it is easy to see that narratives 尤其 of the fractured or 非线性 variety may emerge as a fruitful speculative playground
清楚 the 参考 to 叙述性 here 功能(函数) in 樂/乐 at 级 beyond the programmatic-illustrative 模式 with which we are 熟悉 from much nineteenth century 作曲 In order to clarify the different 可能 relations to 叙述性 which might be invoked in the 案例 of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 it may be useful to establish a crude heuristic taxonomy of 'narratives' in order to 避免 confusion
- 叙述性 1 involving literal semantically significant text
- 叙述性 2 programmatic-illustrative
- 叙述性 3 documentary-anecdotal
- 叙述性 4 卷宗 of 作曲 过程
- 叙述性 5 用 of 结构 or 语义 策略 from 自然 语言 or which are more 经常 联合 with the linguistic 领域
源 - Simon Waters The 樂/乐 过程 in the age of 数字 干涉 http //www ariada uea ac uk