樂/乐 心理学 is a 共生 多学科 between the 领域 of 樂/乐 and 心理学 that is concerned with 心理(学) and therefore inevitably also touching upon 相关 领域 of 社会学 人类学 and neuroscience 方面 and 效果 of 樂/乐 upon 人类 beings

研究 is concerned with such 问题 as 樂/乐 emotion 樂/乐 内存(记忆) the acquisition of 樂/乐 技巧 樂/乐 感知 therapeutic uses of 樂/乐 and 樂/乐 教育 音乐家 composers and 樂/乐 theorists have become increasingly interested in 心理(学) models as 中项 of better 理解 the 感知 and 认知 of 樂/乐 作品