The 结构 of 可沉浸 环境 is one of the key areas of 创造力 practice 研究 and 发展 in the 领域(野外) of 虚拟 现实 An 可沉浸 环境 utilises 数字 技术 in the 创作 of a 空间 in which the 用户 s 经验 perceptual stimulation 通常 多媒体 through any 数 or 种类 of 科技 界面 to the end of engaging with a fictional world or situation A frequent key aim in the 创作 of 可沉浸 环境 is to enable the 用户 s to 交互 in some meaningful way with their 虚拟 环境 this often being 实现 through the 用 of 传感器 e g of 动作 which 控制 the 触发 of further 感官 刺激